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Hi! This is Hinata Tanaka from Sunny Risk Management. I've studied Risk Management and Crisis Management for more than three years.

While learning lessons from the history of all ages and countries, I can apply them to the present and the future.

I'm thinking about the way of risk management in Japan.

Thank you very much.

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My Business Card (Japanese)is here.

The Story

 In Japan, the term "risk management" has finally begun to be heard more frequently in recent years. The concept of risk management originated in the United States in the 1960s, but it was not until the late 1990s that the need for that began to be considered in Japan, making the history of risk management in Japan relatively short.

 In the roughly 30 years since the concept of "risk management" emerged in Japanese society, there has been a growing movement in Japan to deal with unprecedented disasters, violent crimes, the possibility of international terrorism and war, and damage caused by the development of the Internet and other communication technologies. Especially since around 2010, the introduction of business continuity plans (BCP) and business continuity management (BCM) has gradually progressed among large corporations and local governments such as prefectures, and this momentum is about to spread to small and medium-sized companies and municipalities. However, lack of know-how and manpower, as well as cost issues make it difficult to promote crisis management.

 Therefore, Sunny Risk Management is developing crisis management PR activities centered on SNS to raise awareness and familiarity with "risk management" in Japanese society, while providing BCP consulting and risk management advisory services that combine easy-to-start prices and professional know-how to help as many people as possible become familiar with it. Through our BCP consulting and risk management advisory services, I help as many people as possible become familiar with risk management and create an environment where people can spend their daily lives with peace of mind. In today's society, which is exposed to diverse risks, we hope that a risk management culture will take root in Japan to shape a more resilient future.


Mar. 2021 Graduated
Nagasaki Nihon Univ. High School

Apr. 2021 Entered Nihon Univ.
(College of Risk Management)

Nov. 2022 Start preparing the business

2023年7月 Started a business officially

2024年2月 防災士資格取得


Bringing "Home-grown Risk Management" to more Businesses: strengthening the Resilience and risk awareness of the company itself

through home-grown risk management.


Promoting a Culture of Crisis Management in Business and Society: Building Crisis-Resilient Communities by Creating and Strengthening

Risk Management Networks

PR Activities 

Sunny Risk Management is providing columns about risk management.

There's a lot of content made by variable viewpoints such as daily lives and academic ones. Click the "See More" button below to see activities!

(The page will jump to the Instagram account

and contents written by Japanese)


You can contact me also here to inquire about my business and requests.

080-6402-5407(Direct Call)

(Chats, SMS, and SNS are available, too!)

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